miscellaneous original characters
this symbol ▶ means click to reveal more. someday i'll make this page as nice as the ones for maurice
general artcade notes for the below characters: you can do silly or serious things with them. pair them with your own ocs, with each other, go nuts. just follow my blanket dnws and it'll be fine.
literally a meow meow
qa'siirdura, khajit necromancer healer
unlik3lyGrader did a wonderful little pic of him that you can view here!
- name: qa'siirdura (roughly means lightbringer in ta'agra/khajiiti)
- age: in human years, 30something
- height: 5'11
- gender: masc nonbinary
- occupation: blood mage/necromancer/death cleric. healer.
- sexuality: queer
- personality: kind of full of himself. friendly but self-interested. completely fine with killing in self-defense and murder if he feels the cause is just. disinclined to steal things, but does have a "finders keepers" mentality. thinks dragons are fascinating and wants to learn their language/study them; in eso, probably would have joined the order of the new moon (dragon-worshipping cult) if they hadn't been planning on devastating his homeland.
- background, eso version: from a prestigious khajiiti clan. disowned and exiled when he expressed interest in necromancy (for healing: economical, resourceful, would have been better than just leaving knahaten plague victims to turn into zombies). spent his time travelling tamriel until the dragonbreak occurred and returned to elsweyr to protect his homeland, both because he's attached to the land and because he was hoping people would be willing to overlook the necromancy in a time of such dire need.
- background, dnd version: sxiled from his clan's lands on the continent of maztica - given the name xipilli (pronounced shee-peel-lee) at birth. Around the time he came of age, studying the maztican pantheon as would be required of a tabaxi noble, he became interested in the idea of using blood to power healing and individual magic, not just to power gods. using a life force to regenerate life made logical sense, and it would mean a supply of material for spells was always on hand.
family of birth did not disapprove of his interest in blood magic because most of the maztican pantheon calls for blood sacrifices so it was culturally familiar and not taboo. however, the clan at large worshipped kiltzi, goddess of love, who did not call for blood sacrifices. (her priests were considered some of the most effective healers, and xipilli was studying with them before exile.)
the clan elder looked down on individual practice of blood magic because he didn't want to be seen as diverting power from the gods and anger the gods who did demand blood sacrifice. he also didn't want to risk the clan losing local power if it got too small due to sacrificing people. so the clan elder leaned on xipilli's father, who was next in line to one day become elder, and got him to exile his son. this led to a huge fight in/with his family but the rest of his family sided with his father. humiliated, he left in the middle of the night and vowed to push his studies even further to include necromancy. blood and flesh are both the building blocks of life, and people who would reject that are just cowards.
he chose a new name for himself and traveled across the continent and eventually got on a boat headed for the western coast of faerun (roughly the coast where the phandelver campaign takes place) but got shipwrecked and stranded on the island of nimbral, where he used gold and persuasion to convince mages there to let him study with them. nimbrali mages emphasized illusion magic and dreamweaving and had no forbidden schools. qa'siirdura did not master dreamweaving but was able to understand the mechanics behind it and other illusion magics, and his time spent studying blood magic/necromancy there let him learn some basic ruathlek.
eventually he decided he wanted to go out and do some hands-on learning, so he took his leave of nimbral and continued on to faerun where he managed to encounter his current party. he decided to go along with them because adventurers meant a likely opportunity to put his learning into action. naturally curious, he was also intrigued by such a motley group and wanted to see what would happen the longer they got to stay together. but he doesn't want to reveal his knowledge of necromancy if he can help it because he knows it is looked upon poorly by many in faerun. while he wants to prove it can be used for good he doesn't want to be run out of town (as it were) before he can do so.
his armor and face tattoo glows in the dark! he has a pet cat that is a reanimated mummy. he has black paw pads.

even more reference pix of qsd
ww2 guys
ernst and josef
i've had them since high school but a lot of their stuff was written on paper that i can't find now :/
- name: ernst köhler
- age: late 20s/early 30s
- gender: cis male
- sexuality: violence
- appearance: tanned, dark eyes, sun-blond hair (so he might have brown roots showing). of average weight and height.
- occupation/background: voluntarily joined the wehrmacht (heer) and served in the afrikakorps (5th light division) before being transferred to poland because his commander didn't like him.
- personality: asshole. he's just an asshole. has very little empathy and likes seeing others suffer. has low self-esteem and takes it out on other people (possibly diagnosable as a narcissist). will smoke and drink in excess. hates cold weather, snow especially. bullies josef under the guise of helping him "man up".
- artcade notes: sex fine, extreme gore fine. if bottoming, it would have to be noncon. you can depict him as any flavor of nazi because he is one, lol; in a modern au he'd be a neo-nazi.
- faceclaim: whoever this dude is but with a heavy tan
- name: josef richter
- age: anywhere between 16 and early to mid-20s
- gender: male (can be trans in a modern au)
- sexuality: gay
- appearance: dark hair and light eyes, pale and slight, almost underweight, on the shorter side. doesn't take care of himself. has arachnodactyly (abnormally long fingers and toes).
- occupation/background: jewish. only joined the heer because his boyfriend emil did (emil can also have been a secret crush) and he wanted to escape detection. fell apart after his love was killed and he was sent to poland to get him away from the front. his only real friend in poland has tuberculosis, lol
- personality: suicidal and reckless but not so reckless as to tell people he's homosexual. has considered desertion but would rather make himself suffer because he's a
drama queen martyr. if writing love letters, prone to florid prose. quiet and keeps to himself when possible, but ernst tends to harass him. if angry or upset, will lash out then run away.
- artcade notes: sex fine. only extreme gore i'm comfortable with for him would be headshots, whether self-inflicted or from others, otherwise non-fatal injuries only please. you can depict him in wehrmacht uniforms but not ss.
- faceclaim: young james mcavoy

the brothers and the priest of ronceverte
as featured in take this my body (this section has mentions of incest)
no face claims at the moment, sorry, though if you're a ex spn fan like i am then that's a hint lol
name: harley
age: 14/15 in 1974 (birthday june 21)
gender: trans male
sexuality: gay
appearance: hazel eyes. shaggy hair, broad nose. tans easily.
occupation/background: homeschooled, has never been able to settle and make friends because his parents are always travelling to hunt things. it's unclear what they're hunting and harley doesn't like to talk about it. he hasn't given much thought to what he'd like to do when he's older. maybe write.
personality: quiet but not passive. eager for independence, regardless of the price. he knows joseph doesn't fully see him the way he wants but it's a trade-off he's willing to make for the illusion of something stable in his life.
name: joseph
age: 17
gender: cis male
sexuality: shrugs (bisexual)
appearance: resembles harley closely enough that a casual observer might guess they're related, except his hair is much shorter and his eyes are pure green. gets freckles on his face from sun exposure, but burns rather than tans.
occupation/background: see harley's background. he wants to follow in his father's footsteps when he's older and will probably end up dying young.
personality: insouciant and cocksure. if he wants something he'll take it, even from his brother. neither of them is sure who initiated the sexual relationship but it's the last best thing they've got going in their lives right now.
name: n/a (the priest)
age: 35 in 1974, 40 in 1979
gender: cis male
sexuality: closeted gay
appearance: short black hair, blue eyes. outdoors enough to not be notably pale though not tan either.
occupation/background: priest, though not yet fully ordained in 1974. born and raised in ronceverte as it began its slow decline. has only left to attend college and seminary. comes from a mining family. strained relationship with surviving relatives because he chose not to follow his father's footsteps into the mines, and because he's catholic rather than protestant. had a close friendship (too close) with a boy from catechism school who moved away to wyoming, leaving him to finish growing up alone.
personality: serious, reserved in that particular way people who withdraw into themselves are reserved. there is something wrong with him, he feels, and to acknowledge it is to admit he's broken. so instead he turns to the simple truths of the bible, to the high rituals of catholicism that let him forget the earthly world and his earthly desires.
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